199 Boylston street residences

Location: Brookline, MA

Scope: New Construction / Renovation

Status: Completed

Size: 11,000 SF

Landscape Architect: Weston Sampson


Located along the heavily trafficked Route 9 in Brookline, this residential development develops an empty lot adjacent to a public park. Three new construction row houses will contain six (6) market rate apartments and overlook the Boylston Street Playground, while two (2) renovated units will be a part of a restored historic 19th century townhouse on the front corner of the site. The townhouses are setback from the property with landscaping to buffer the park; and align with the adjacent housing to sit below the high tree canopies blending into the surrounding context. The townhouses are clad in two patterns of earth toned brick as a backdrop to the park landscape, and the painted cement panels incorporate wood at main entries to connect the residential context and soften the surfaces around public ways.

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